About this event
Support our second Firewood Raffle – and help raise funds for Labor’s campaign in Mayo at the upcoming Federal Election.
$50 per raffle ticket
Prize is a trailer-load of plantation gum firewood for the cold Mayo months.
Wood is well seasoned and already split
Delivery to Adelaide metro, Fleurieu Peninsula or Adelaide Hills only.
Firewood Raffle for Mayo!
About this event
Support our second Firewood Raffle – and help raise funds for Labor’s campaign in Mayo at the upcoming Federal Election.
$50 per raffle ticket
Prize is a trailer-load of plantation gum firewood for the cold Mayo months.
Wood is well seasoned and already split
Delivery to Adelaide metro, Fleurieu Peninsula or Adelaide Hills only.
Authorised by A. Bourke for the Australian Labor Party, 141 Gilles St, Adelaide SA 5000.