Agenda Committee
The Agenda Committee consist of 5 members, elected by Convention in every even year. It recommends to Convention the items to be dealt with by the Convention during certain sessions. The items are in the form of motions which have been passed at meetings of affiliates and been forwarded to Convention for consideration.
Affirmative Action Monitoring Committee
The Affirmative Action Monitoring Committee shall consist of the State Secretary and five (5) members elected every even year by State Convention. It monitors the effect of affirmative action programs.
Credentials Committee
The Credentials Committee consists of 5 members, elected by Convention in every even year. The Committee meets regularly to consider all applications for SA Labor membership.
National Policy Forum
Labor’s National Policy Forum facilitates policy development and debate between the Federal Labor Caucus, ALP branch members and our affiliated trade unions.
The National Policy Forum is also responsible for preparing the draft ALP National Platform, which is debated and adopted by our triennial National Conference.
The National Policy Forum’s membership includes:
National Conference Delegates
National Conference delegates are selected to attend and represent SA Labor at the triannual National Conference.
Platform Committee
The Platform Committee consists of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the State Parliamentary Labor Party or their proxies, the State Secretary and the Assistant State Secretary and sixteen (16) members and is It is elected every three to four years by Convention. In conjunction with the Ministers, the Committee reviews SA Labor’s core values document known as the platform.
State Executive
State Executive set the agenda for State Council and is an administrative committee of the SA branch. The State Executive meets once a month and is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Party. The Executive is made up of the Party President, Senior and Junior Vice Presidents and 15 other members all elected by State Convention. The State Secretary and the Leader of the State Parliamentary Labor Party are also members. State Executive is elected for two-year term.
State Secretary
The State Secretary is elected by State Convention every four years. The State Secretary is responsible for the day-to-day administration and organisation of the South Australian Labor Party. The State Secretary is also responsible for other duties as necessary to carry out the objects and rules and implement policy of the Party. The State Secretary will also act as the Campaign Director.
State President
The State President presides at all governing body meetings in accordance with the rules and standing orders. The State President is elected for a two-year term.
Senior Vice President and a Junior Vice President.
The Vice-Presidents shall assist the State President in conducting the business of the Party and one shall preside in the absence of the State President, with like powers and under similar conditions. The State Vice Presidents are elected for a two-year term.
Campaign Committee
The Campaign Committee oversees election and other publicity campaigns. The Campaign Committee includes the State Leader, Deputy Leader, Secretary and Assistant Secretary.
A Tyler and two Assistant Tylers are elected by Convention in every even year and assist in the orderly conduct of Convention and Council meetings.